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Micro - Lens technology

Gradient-Index Lens (GRIN)

For more than 15 years, XENLUX fiber optical components based on micro-lens technology have maintained a high level of acceptance by customers and end-users. They offer a virtually unlimited degree of flexibility in terms of applied glass-fibers, interference filters and enclosure sizes, allowing them to meet highly complex demands in various applications.

The basis of the component is the Gradient Index Lens (GRIN-Lens). The GRIN lens is typically a small cylindrical glass element of a few mm diameter, whose cross-section features a parabolic index profile similar to a Gradient Index optical fiber (GI-optical fiber). This results in light beams being continuously scattered and focused in the GRIN lens. Suitable dimensions of the lens result in either parallel light beams or focusing in a specific, well-defined focal point. An optical coating is applied to the planar surface of the lens, custom designed and matched by XENLUX to meet the components optical requirements. The actual interference coating determines how the spectral content of the light coupled into the input fiber is transmitted to or reflected by the two output fibers.

Key features:

  • Proven technology with wide range of applications
  • Large degree of design flexibility
  • Very good thermal stability
  • Compact housing dimensions
  • Large quantity production
 | Created by Design Seven